Welcome to DUPA, the Drew University Participatory Archive. DUPA is a digital humanities project with the mission of creating a decentralized grassroots digital collection of both original and archival media through the direct contributions of students, faculty, staff, archivists, librarians, and the broader Drew community. The DUPA project is made possible through the generous support of Digital Humanities @ Drew, an interdisciplinary initiative funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. If you are interested in learning more about this project, contact jblatter@drew.edu.

Contribute to DUPA


Use the “Direct Submission Form” linked above, follow the and upload your files directly to the form. For Podcasts, use the “Podcast Submission Portal” link, follow the prompts, and submit your files directly. It’s as easy as that! Step-by-step instructions for how to submit and license your work can be also be found on the Contribute to DUPA page.

Almost anything! Photography, artwork, animation, films, documentaries, B-roll, sketches, music, essays, poetry, sound recordings, podcasts, and so much more! There is, however, one caveat. You (the contributor or contributors) must be the sole creator of the content submitted. Anything that contains copyrighted material (e.g. a short film that features music by Kendrick Lamar), should not be published to DUPA unless the material has been (a) properly licensed for use in your work, or (b) formal permission has been granted by the copyright holder.

If you are submitting a digitized artifact discovered in the archives, you must also request permission from The Special Collections and University Archives Department to ensure the item is properly cited and free from any copyright constraints. 

You can search the complete DUPA library here, or explore content by media type, topic or category using the links below. 

Special Collections

Motion Picture Matchmaker

Stay Sat with Gi and Nat

The Benchwarmers Podcast

Tales from the Haunted Forest

Playlist of Our Lives

Drew Archives in 10

Podcasters on Podcasting

The Wad Alneel Show

Drew University’s student-run radio station

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, DUPA by Jeremy Blatter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.